Scale Your Business, Skyrocket Your Income, And Secure Time Freedom With An Online Course

Make Money Passively  |  See Fewer Clients  |  Impact More People



Imagine this:

As you're sipping your morning matcha, you open your laptop and see 3 new sales have come in since you last opened your computer, and it's only 8am! 

A couple hours later, you take some mid-day self care and get in an awesome workout, sauna, and everything shower.  You’re feeling so refreshed and glance at your phone to notice that you made 2 more course sales. Ca-ching!

That afternoon, you’re sitting on the sidelines cheering on your kids at their soccer game and you pull out your phone to snap a photo and BOOM…a notification that another amazing client has purchased your course! Score!!

After the kids are tucked into bed you check your phone and see an evening course sale has come in while reading books to your littles…  you made thousands of dollars today all while you were fully present with your family, and not glued to work!

Or this:

You’re headed to a fun vacation and in the air you made more money than needed to cover the entire luxury airbnb you just booked  - and when you land, no need to book any client appointments because the money you make is now passive and making more sales equals more freedom, not more time worked.

Or this:

Your group coaching program is high-ticket and provides coaching, yet feels mostly passive nowadays because your clients are going through their course portal and creating so many huge wins without you needing to do the teaching live.  The clients are getting even better results now than when you were more involved - massive win!

I mean, this is why you’re on this page, right? …

You have entrepreneurial dreams of making a big impact through your business while enjoying the freedom and flexibility that comes with being your own boss.

So you either left your full time job, or are hoping to soon, because having a schedule that’s jam-packed with meetings and appointments isn’t a part of your dream life!!

But now you’re realizing that running an online business based exclusively on working with 1:1 clients is going to burn you out…quickly!! 

Your calendar will be just as packed as it was before, and your income will hit a ceiling (if it hasn’t already!) because there are only so many hours in the day for 1:1 clients.

But wait a minute…aren’t things like caps on your income, rigid and over packed schedules, missing out on time with your kids, and burn-out the exact reasons you want out of your full-time job in the first place?

Yes, yes I am speaking directly to YOU… because I know you… I was you… and I’ve helped thousands of people just like you.

So what I’ve found is there IS a way to make amazing income for your business without working increased hours or taking on more 1:1 clients, MASSIVELY freeing up your time and giving you the flexibility you’ve been dreaming of…

A way to expand your impact way beyond the people you can help 1:1, without the extra work of onboarding, educating, meetings, and repeating yourself every single time you sign on a new client…

Instead of exchanging your time for money, you could build something one time and set it up to make income on autopilot (without you having to hire and manage a huge team to keep things running)... 

You’d choose that route, right? 

If that’s the kind of online business you’ve been dreaming of then you’re in the right place, so keep reading!

I totally get it! 

In 2017, I left my traditional job to chase my dreams of staying home with my new baby and building an online business. 

I started my business with a 1:1 coaching model, and went from $0 to multi-6-figures in less than a year.  

I was only working part-time hours and seeing my dream clients while raising my baby - it was bliss!

BUT - the only way I knew how to make income was directly related to giving someone my time.

So what happened is that soon my schedule started getting packed with client sessions, and the reason I left my 9-5 in the first place - for freedom and flexibility in my schedule so I can do what I want with my time, raise my kiddos, prioritize my wellness - was gone. 


I wrote “NO MORE 1:1s!” in my journal each year when re-assessing my goals and vision for myself, and unfortunately kept taking 1:1s because it’s just what I knew… and I was dang good at it!

Finally, I decided to stop making excuses and accept that lowering or even stopping my income fully while I figured out how to build and launch an online course was the only way I could stop this cycle and get my freedom back. 

My husband and I even said we’re fine if we even make $0 that whole year if it means we have space to restructure the business and our dreams!  (spoiler alert - we did launch our course that year, and we made well over a million dollars doing so). 

I knew I needed to find a way to keep helping people, but in a way that did not require me to be behind my laptop on private client sessions.   

So I got to work and built my first course.

In my first ever course launch, we made $50,847. 

I launched it with a pre-recorded webinar, no ads, a very simple email sequence, a very small email list and even smaller social following. 

The BEST part?  This was $50,847 with zero work required from me afterward. 


Prior to this, I would have had to see several clients 1:1 for the next 6 months for this amount.

In my first ever course launch, we made $50,847. 

I launched it with a pre-recorded webinar, no ads, a very simple email sequence, a very small email list and even smaller social following. 

The BEST part?  This was $50,847 with zero work required from me afterward. 


Prior to this, I would have had to see several clients 1:1 for the next 6 months for this amount.


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE private clients… I do!  But I love having freedom in my days…. Being a very present mom….having flexibility in my schedule… and unlimited income and impact more 😉

No shame!  This is what is most aligned with me and allows me to make the biggest impact in the world and reach my fullest potential - not being behind my computer 10hrs/day every day seeing and helping just a handful of people per year. 

A few weeks later we launched the same course again with a live training and made well over six figures. 

We then bumped the price since “early bird” was over and started seeing THIS.


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE private clients… I do!  But I love having freedom in my days…. Being a very present mom….having flexibility in my schedule… and unlimited income and impact more 😉

No shame!  This is what is most aligned with me and allows me to make the biggest impact in the world and reach my fullest potential - not being behind my computer 10hrs/day every day seeing and helping just a handful of people per year. 

A few weeks later we launched the same course again with a live training and made well over six figures. 

We then bumped the price since “early bird” was over and started seeing THIS.


Once I figured out how to do this, I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself! And now I wholeheartedly believe that:


I believe this to my core, and so I’ve put everything you need to know about building, launching, and selling online courses into one place…

Course Creators Incubator (CCI)

Build, launch, and successfully sell your own online course.

With an online course, you can transform your knowledge and passions into an automated program for thousands of paying clients - expanding your impact AND your income while providing you more freedom and flexibility in your lifestyle. 

This method of monetization is PERFECT for those who want to help people but do NOT want a calendar full of back to back client appointments.  

It’s perfect for those who want to be able to truly design their days however they wish, while making more money than ever before.  

It’s perfect for established business owners who know they’re missing out on so much potential in their business and are ready to launch a new offer to their audience!  

And it’s perfect for the completely new entrepreneurs who want to start putting their knowledge into an online program and perhaps even do this as their new full-time thing, putting their 9-5 behind them forever!

You can easily integrate your online course as a complement to your 1:1 or group coaching program to enhance client results, or simply use it as a standalone source of passive income.

CCI includes step-by-step trainings, organizational systems, templates, professionally crafted and rigorously tested email campaign copy, and more – all meticulously designed to ensure your course launch is a massive success!


Here's What's Included When You Sign Up For CCI Today!

Everything you’ll ever need to create, launch, and market your course into the world.

Module 1: Nail Down Your Niche And Create Your Course Blueprint

The building blocks of a successful course!

Before you can start building your course, we will teach you how to pick a course topic your ideal client will jump on buying!

We’ll guide you through the important decisions that will become the blueprint of your whole course, like what type of course you want to teach, whether or not your clients will have lifetime access, how to price and name your course, what course to build based on your expertise, and more!

Module 2: Outlining And Writing Your Course

The simple way to write course content!

With my detailed course-writing system you get ideas out of your head, onto paper so instead of getting writer's block or procrastinating this process, you have the push and guidance you need to make it happen. Plus, you will learn how to set up our exact organizational systems and build your course outline and tracker to keep you organized every step of the way!

Staying organized is KEY in this process, and it all starts with a solid outline.  I PROMISE - don’t skip this step, it’s everything in the success of your build, launch, and scale.

Module 3: Build Your Course Brand

Create a brand that showcases the goals, values, & solutions your audience will love (and pay!) to be part of. 

This includes the aesthetic of your course so you know how to design the slides and marketing materials, and also the voice, mission, and values you hold as a brand that will be the main reason people will buy your program!

Module 4: Create Your Course Materials

After you have established your branding, it’s time to create your slides and supporting materials that your clients will learn directly from!

You will learn how to do this with the best and easiest-to-use design tool available, and how to organize it all in the proper way to ensure a simple and structured process.

Module 5: The Simple Way To Record Epic Course Content

Put it all together with professional and polished recordings! 

Ditch all the unknowns to record content with ease then organize it in our systems that will make your life 100% easier!  How to record, tools to record, tools to edit, and how to keep things organized so nothing gets missed!

Module 6: Upload Your Materials To Your Course Portal

Once everything is recorded and designed, it’s time to upload all the videos and supporting materials into a course portal your clients will gain access to when they purchase!

We’ll walk you through this, step by step, to make sure your modules are uploaded and organized inside the portal so your clients can access everything they need, all in one place.

Module 7: Build Your Sales Funnel

Your course’s webpage will live on your site and tell prospective clients and followers all about your program! 

Learn to streamline and automate your entire system with a fully functioning funnel that effortlessly moves people through from being interested in your course topic to buying the program.

Module 8: Webinar Funnel Creation

Pre-recorded webinars that build hype for your program are one of your best sales tools!

This is exactly how we love getting people into our courses. We will teach you how to build all the components of a webinar (content, slides, supporting materials) and then build a funnel to sell it (an opt-in page, confirmation page, email campaign).

The best part is, by the time you’ve gotten to this module, you already know how to do most of this stuff from building your course, now you just have to do it in a mini-version!

Module 9: Tested & Proven Email Marketing

Building the program is one thing, but the magic happens in the emails!

Learn the emails you need to include in your campaign to sell your program! MOST of your course sales will actually happen from the email follow up, not the first time they land on the page.

We will break this process down for you so you know exactly what to create, and how to organize and automate it.

Module 10: Market And Sell Your Course

The hard work is done, but now people need to know about it!

In this module, we teach you various ways you can market your course so it sells around the clock and ensures consistent revenue for years on end.

Module 11: Maintaining Post-Launch Momentum

Reflect on your course launch & consistently strategize how to make it better!

The beauty is now it’s DONE and all you need to do is focus on your marketing to get more eyes on the course! Keep your exposure and income growing bigger and bigger, year after year, as you fine-tune and optimize your program and enrollment methods.

Here’s What Our Clients Say About Working With Us!!



Hi! I’m Maggie Berghoff, and I’m thrilled to support you in the next phase of your entrepreneurial journey.

Online courses changed my life, and I know it will do the same for you...

In 2017, I left my traditional job as a nurse practitioner, and built my own online functional medicine health consulting practice.  The reason is because I had a big passion in helping others with their health in the way that most aligned with my values in wellness, and also I wanted to live my own lifestyle in a different way.  At that time I knew these things for certain:

✗ I wanted to be my own boss, rather than answer to someone else;
✗ I wanted achieve so much more than what the opportunity cap allowed for in my traditional career;
✗ I felt suffocated thinking about staying in the same job for the next 40 years; 
✗ I felt unaligned with the lack of flexibility in my life and wanted to use my time and my days how I please; 
✗ I wanted to stay home with my kids to essentially be a stay at home mom who happens to also have her own bomb online business.

I knew what I wanted, and I took a big pivot in life to go after it all!! 

The back story is important for you to know, because it’s why I’m teaching online course builds now.

So this new business of mine did REALLY well, really fast. I hit multiple 6-figures within my first year of business, working part-time hours and taking weeks or months off at a time.  Seeing my ideal clients, hanging with my cute newborn baby, and living my dream.  

BUT it was all through 1:1 clients. So soon I started to feel the same feelings of being unaligned and stuck that I had felt in my traditional career. I had a calendar full of appointments, and although this time I truly truly LOVED working with the people who were scheduled for those appointments and the work I was doing, I still didn’t like the fact I had to show up at a certain time and do a visit. 

I will always be fully honest and open with you guys about my journey and the ups and downs!

I also was frustrated because I wanted to help people in this way so badly…. But I knew that seeing private clients was not only taking the time freedom away from me again, but it also was putting that cap of opportunity and growth on me again.  There are only so many hours in the day and so many clients you can see 1:1.  

PLUS, if you see clients all day every day, you likely don’t have time to do cool things to grow your business further, have fun adventures, take off whenever you want, prioritize your wellness fully, or be there for your kiddos during times. 

So I was capped.

✗ My income was capped because I couldn’t take on more clients.
✗ My time was capped because whenever I made money it meant I had to work more.
✗ My growth was capped because I didn’t have time to work on growing my brand and business due to being focused on private clients only.
✗ My wellness wasn’t on point because I was behind my computer all day.
✗ My impact was capped because I could only see and help so many people.


Ok, so I had to pivot and figure out what the heck to do to get back to that original bliss of when I first became an entrepreneur.  In fact, I wanted to do things EVEN BETTER than ever before. 

✓ MORE money
✓ MORE impact 
✓ MORE time with family
✓ MORE time for my wellness priorities
✓ MORE adventures in life
✓ MORE fun
✓ BIGGER opportunities and business moves

Time for another huge life pivot, and this one was not an easy one… It was truly more challenging than leaving my nurse practitioner job!  Because I had to learn everything new again and trust the process that if I just take the time to build this course, everything will change for the better. 

And I did it. 

I launched my first ever online course with a pre-recorded webinar (yep, I didn’t even do it LIVE!).  No ads.  No huge audience.  No huge email list.  I made $50,847.

That was 51 clients into a $997 course.  If I had just enrolled 51 clients I would be SLAMMED, stressed, and honestly I don’t care how much money it made me I wouldn’t enjoy it. 

BUT - this was now helping 51 amazing people passively.  No additional work from me.  No appointments on my calendar for sales calls or for client sessions.  And I knew that my course was GOOD and these clients would get phenomenal results in the program without even needing to see me 1:1.

I learned some key takeaways from that launch, made some tweaks to my strategy, and then… I did a LIVE Workshop to promote my course and made well over six figures in that launch …. Passively!! 

That MASSIVE cash influx came in with 0 more work and 0 clients to see.  It was just money in the bank that didn’t require anything extra from me. And the best part is that it was repeatable time and time and time again because we set up the right funnel, the right webinar, the right automations, & the right email campaigns (PS: it’s all in CCI so you can, too!).

This moment… this pivot… completely changed the trajectory of my life and my business. 

So much so that I HAD to let everyone else know about online courses and give them the RIGHT strategies to use to be sure your course is built, organized, and profiting! 

So after we perfected everything and have been selling online courses for the last four years in various industries and niches, we have put together a one-stop-shop for you to learn the proven ways to create a top-notch professional online course.  We created the Course Creators Incubator so you, too, can expand your income and impact while getting your TIME back. 

I’m proud to present it to you, and honored to be your trusted mentor and friend along the way!


Pay In Full & Get The BONUS Package!

[Trust me, you want this!]

Check out this incredible bonus stack you get when you pay in full and become a CCI client today!

No need to hire a website builder and a graphic designer, use our professional templates!  

Make things simple by getting our course launch funnel to build your course sales page and confirmation page! This is a landing page and confirmation page you’ll put your course information into so you know you’re building out pages that are set for optimal conversions (ahem - just like this page you’re on of mine right now!).

Value: $2,100

No need to hire a copywriter, use ours! 

Ohh baby do I wish I had had this when building my first course!  Take full advantage of your email marketing with our companies tested and optimized email launch templates.  Our clients use these to plug their titles/program information into the sequence and BOOM they’re ready to launch!  It makes this process SO much easier and will save you thousands of dollars and weeks or months of your time.

Value: $1,800

Spread the word about your course launch with an automated webinar! 

We’ll give you our winning template so you don’t have to create your webinar from scratch and can input your ideas into ours instead!  Webinars are STRATEGIC.  It truly matters the order you present things in, what you cover, and how you pitch.  Getting our template and copying our exact process will ensure you’re set up for success.

Value: $497

Total Bonus Stack Value: $4,397

All Of These Bonuses Come 100% FREE With CCI When You Buy Today!


Work Less - Earn More - Make A Greater Impact

In total, you will be receiving:  

  • Course Creators Incubator -  Value $4,997
  • Full Course Launch Funnel - Template + Course Value $2,100
  • Million Dollar Email Campaign To Launch Your Offer Template Value $1,800
  • Automated Webinar Template To Promote Your Program Value $497 

Total value: $9,394 


Your Price TODAY: $1,997!

Work Less - Earn More - Make A Greater Impact


It is time to step into what you truly want to do in this world.  You have this one life, and it goes by fast, so don’t waste another day without taking steps toward your dreams!  Creating an online course will take hard work, but I know with the right guidance, simplified systems, and monetizing methods, you can make this happen for yourself!  Excited for you!


◆ ◆ ◆

Ready to radically transform how you work with clients, scale your business so it truly aligns with your values and your dream lifestyle, and make more money than you ever thought possible?

If the answer is HECK YES, you’re just moments away from the best decision you will ever make!

Here’s how it works. 

  1. Simply click the button for your preferred payment plan (highly encourage pay in full to unlock that BONUS Package!).  It will take you to a secure checkout page where you’ll enter your checkout details.
  2. BOOM!  You’ll immediately be sent an email asking you to create an account at Once you have created an account you can access everything in your library.
  3. Go introduce yourself in the private facebook group for CCI! This group offers peer support and support from our team!

And then just go step-by-step through the program from there!

Yes! I’m Ready To Build My Course!

Work Less - Earn More - Make A Greater Impact

So what will it be? You can take two paths from here…  

Keep doing what you’re doing… trading time for money… capping your potential… wishing you had a more free and flexible lifestyle…


Enroll right now and transform your life while simply helping people in a scaled way with the knowledge you already have!!

I sure hope you choose option #2, because the more you step into your true purpose and passion in life, the more fulfilled, joyful, and happy you are.  And when you combine that with the amazing knowledge you hold that could help someone with something, you create not just positive change in your life but in the lives of others.  

See you on the inside!


Enroll Today!

Frequently Asked Questions